Raise money, pawn valuable assets

Are you looking for a way to raise money? Many people are trying to find ways to raise some extra cash to make their wages go further as the cost of living increases beyond their income.
When an unexpected bill or expense occurs and you don’t have the cash available to pay for it, one good place to turn is to a pawn shop for a loan and pawn valuable assets.
Why pawn valuable assets?
Pawn shop loans are a great way to get a quick and easy loan. You don’t need to complete lengthy paperwork, have a credit check or provide a guarantee. So, you could get a loan within a short amount of time. The loans are also flexible and based on what collateral you provide.
With no checks or guarantees (just collateral needed), pawn loans are open to almost anyone if they have the collateral to match the loan value. What you can use as collateral is really broad and you will get the item back as soon as the loan is repaid either at the end of the term or before if the loan is repaid early.
What valuable assets can be used?
Our pawn shops accept a range of goods as collateral for loans which include jewelry, clothing, accessories and electronics. Choosing which item to pawn is important. We suggest that you choose something of a similar value to what you want a loan for and that it is something that you are willing to part with for the duration of the loan term. The item should also be in a good condition and fully functioning.
Pawn jewelry is often the first choice as it is an item that holds good value, tends to be kept in great condition and is a desirable item. Many people also have several pieces of jewelry and have a piece or two that they can live without for a month or two whilst the loan is repaid.
The jewelry can be made from gold or silver and have jewels or stones to add to the value. Items that are designer brands or popular brands are also good to look for as these may hold their value better.
You could also consider pawning electronic items, watches or designer goods such as shoes or handbags.
Why choose Florida Pawn?
We have been helping people in Florida since 2010 and have two stores in Hollywood and Margate. We are a trusted name in pawnbroking and we offer fair and competitive prices. Our stores are open 6 days a week so why not call in to one of them to see what your valuable assets can raise.