Are you looking for a way to raise money? Many people are trying to find ways to raise some extra cash to make their wages go further as the cost of living increases beyond their income. When an unexpected bill...
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If you are thinking of buying your loved one a special gift for Christmas, a birthday or an anniversary then pawn necklaces might be a good option for you. As money is getting tight for many at the moment, pawn...
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Times are tough at the moment with rising costs, and here at Florida Pawn, we are seeing first-hand the effect this is having. When cash gets tight pawnshops like ours are often one of the first places many people turn...
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Diamonds are a great way to raise funds as they are such a desirable item that holds their value. This is why so many clients pawn diamonds to raise money, but why are diamonds so desirable? Diamonds are a girl’s...
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Pawn earrings in Florida Pawning earrings in Florida couldn’t be easier with Florida Pawn as we have two conveniently placed stores in Hollywood and Margate that offers great pawn rates for a variety of jewelry. We offer pawn shop loans...
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